Yialova Lagoon
A Fishing & Birdwatching experience
— Yialova lagoon
The Yialova lagoon
Yialova Lagoon is a multifactorial enterprise that incorporates fishing tourism services both at the lagoon and in the open sea.
In addition, as Yialova Lagoon is an area of great ecological importance, it is also possible to visit this environmental “monument” of nature for a walk or birdwatching.
The entire area, including the Bay of Navarino and Sfaktiria Island, is part of the Natura 2000 network and has been designated a Special Protection Area and Site of Community Importance.

— Recreational Fishing
Fishing tourism
Communing with nature, the magic of discovery, the extent of its wealth and its healing power are all a tangible reality in the paradise named Yialova.
At Yialova lagoon, you will have the chance to observe the birds of the area – Birdwatching – , where with the help of our knowledgeable staff you will learn more about the activities of the birds in this specific habitat.
—A unique experience
— Who we are
About us
Finally, in order to formulate and implement best lagoon management practices, Yialova Lagoon on its own initiative and in collaboration with the Navarino Environmental Observatory and the
Stockholm University, has launched the “Yialova Project”, an environmental programme focusing on the gradual restoration of the lagoon.
This website offers a virtual tour of the magical Yialova world as the lagoon dates back to ancient times, which is why the wider area is considered an archaeological zone.